I have always wanted to start a blog, ever since I was sixteen. The problem was, I have always felt like I haven't had much to say. Now, however, looking at my life, I realize there is almost too much to say, and so I have decided to pursue my blogging desire.
I am a musician, a young one, living alone by the beach. My mother moved to Texas a couple of years ago, and I have been supporting myself ever since. I have to say, it's quite liberating to do what I love and make money from it. Isn't that the ultimate goal? That, and the goal of success of course. But what is success? It is only the expansion of happiness, is it not?
I have been through quite a few disastrous relationships in the past few years, which, i believe, makes me more interesting. I have seen into the relationship pit of hell, and I've come back completely alive. I once heard that musicians don't make for good mates. They're selfish, stuck in their own heads, and hardly driven. I however, strive to be the opposite of this. How well I am doing, however, I can't honestly say. I can only say I am trying.
Last week I was thinking about where I'd like to go.If I ever had the opportunity, of course. I thought about Australia, because I have heard the beaches there are incredible. Or Europe, because I'd like to fulfill the cliche of sitting in a little cafe with my latte, looking out at the Eiffel tower. Or even somewhere United States local, like Portland, where I hear the literature and the music is breathtaking. I was talking to one of my students, Kirra, about it. She's eight. I asked her where she would like to go, if she could pick anywhere in the world. And she said the most incredibly simple, brilliant thing. "I'd like to go to Japan. Because I want to walk down cherry blossom streets and watch fat guys wrestle." Now why can't I be that sure of things?
So thus beginith this new blogging adventure of mine. I probably won't get many readers, but I think it will definitely somehow help me. Maybe evaluate things, or see myself from the outside. Maybe I'll do something incredible, like travel, or tour, or invent a new color. And then people will actually read what I write. But until then, I am just a girl, who plays a little country music, and likes to see the world for what it really is. And at least I am honest about that.
So long!
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